Deals, Bets and Speed

Creating possibilities
is an art form.

Entrepreneurs disrupt markets, they create new opportunities, they see the possibilities, and they build great companies. And every day they make thousands of decisions that impact scale and growth. At the foundation of growth is the ability to build relationships or deals, place bets and rapidly adjust to the ever-changing environment inside a company. Cydni will talk about how deals, bets and speed have become key ingredients to drive scale and growth. She will share insights from her days at Disney Imagineering, to building a company that could make you Iron Man as a posable action figure, to building an app on Facebook for 100M users and how working with the Fortune 100 on digital transformation shaped her approach to driving growth. Join this powerful conversation for how you can unlock opportunities, transform relationships, and change the way you approach problem-solving.

Book Cydni

Some of Cyd's Appearances

Executive Summit '22
Watch Here
Silicon Slopes Interview
Watch Here
CEO of the Year
Watch Here